Hello everyone! I have some ideas concerning Eugenia. As we all know, Eugenia has a site volodina.co.nr but the gallery doesn't work for some months already and now I am not sure it will ever be back, but Eugenia needs her site at least because it's not fair that almost all top-models have some sites and she doesn't. So I thought it's an idea to make a new site for her. But I need your help, guys, I can't do everything myself and I would like you, Volodinians, to join and make it together for our favourite model. I would like to know what you think about it. Please, let me know.
I'm definitely for it! Lets make it flashy and hot. Yu know bring the sexy back!
I'm here if you need help!
thank you guys for your support!
Anyone else to help?
i d like to help to create Volodinas webpage. The question is how?
please tell me how we could help to create new web site for her
you can upload pix on photobucket.com, I'll give you more details later as I am extremely busy these days
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